Review of Lotus Herbals ApriScrub Fresh Apricot Scrub

by - 12:48:00

Review of Lotus Herbals ApriScrub Fresh Apricot Scrub
Hello dearies! I am up with another product review. Now-a-days getting a problem free skin is not easy. We have to follow a regular beauty regime including cleansing, toning, moisturising and of-course scrubbing. Today I  am up with the review of Lotus herbals ApriScrub, a scrub that fits all skin types.

 “Lotus Herbal” provides a lot of cosmetics that are very useful in our daily life. Similarly this scrub gives you a total cleaning of your face and neck and removes dead cells from the surface & opening skin pores and let the skin breath! All in one altogether! Isn’t so? Let’s see what this product actually claims: 

Review of Lotus Herbals ApriScrub Fresh Apricot Scrub
Price & Quantity: 225 for 180 gm

Self-Life: 3 years

Packaging: It comes in a flip-flap cover that is sturdy enough.


·        Apply this scrub on moistened face and neck.
·        Glide it all along with your finger-tips in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

·        Massage gently and rinse it well after 1-2minutes.

My take on this product:
         I like this product very much as it did what it had claimed actually.:)  It cleanses my skin and makes it feel soft and fresh. The granules act as the exfoliating agent. They are big enough to scrap out the dead cells from the face. The smell is pretty good and it vanishes off after the wash. it suits nearly all type of skins. Using once or twice in a week gives the best result.
Review of Lotus Herbals ApriScrub Fresh Apricot Scrub

Let me tell you the pros and cons of this product:

« The granules do not rupture the skin rather act as perfect exfoliating agent.
« Exfoliation is gentle.
« It makes the skin fresh and clean!
« Totally cleans off all the dirt and opens skin pores.
« Smell is good.
« Useful for all skin types.
« Easily available in the market

   There is no such con in this product. Only one thing I have felt that after using this scrub, a moisturising cream should be used, otherwise it would make the skin drier.
Review of Lotus Herbals ApriScrub Fresh Apricot Scrub

So this is all about the review of the Lotus Herbal Apriscrub! Hope it helps u… Thanku and stay tuned J

With Love, Aditi.

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