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Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Post by: Aditi Singha,
Asst. Editor, Elegant Eves
Hello to all the readers
of EE! Today I am up with another DIY. Yes… DIY on hair-care. Everyone has
learnt my love for natural ingredients that can be used to beautify our skin and hair. My
take today is preparing a hair-oil with hibiscus. Hibiscus or China-rose ( Sc
name: Hibiscus rosasinensis) is a
commonly available garden flower all over India. This is very useful for our
Let’s have a look what precisely makes it this much beneficial:
« The extract of the flower can enhance the growth of hair,
« Strengthens hair and makes it
« It provides nourishment to our
« Increases blood flow in the scalp
« Makes our hair healthier.
« Decreases hair-fall.
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Another ingredient needed is methi or fenugreek seeds that is also used as a condiment. It contains Proteins, Nicotinic acid, Iron,
Potassium, Lecithin and Vitamin C. These
are extremely effective in strengthening the hair from the roots and treating
follicular problems. The seeds improve hair growth and help in rebuilding the
hair follicles.
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Lastly we need coconut oil. Coconut oil is highly moisturising and keeps skin or hair hydrated for
long time. At the same time applying coconut oil to hair is beneficial too
in the following ways:
v Strengthens hair root.
v Makes it shiny and healthier.
v Provides nourishment.
v Increase blood flow in the scalp.
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Hibiscus flower
Methi (Fenugreek)
Coconut oil
First chop the China rose and leaves into fine pieces. (Make
sure these are washed before cutting into pieces.)
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Next, soak them into the coconut oil
Add methi to that oil.
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Heat this mixture for a few minutes. Do not bring to boil. Just
heating will do. You may also use a double boiler (Heat water to boiling point
in a wide mouthed vessel and keep the smaller vessel containing the ingredients
over that boiling water)
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Cool the mixture in room temperature.
Store this herbs infused oil in a clean and dry bottle. It is advisable to make this oil in small quantities since there is no preservative added.
Do It Yourself: Hibiscus and Fenugreek Infused Hair Oil |
Your hibiscus hair-oil is all set
to be used. You can also keep the bottle in sunlight to heat it up a bit every
time before you use it.
Apply it on your hair and scalp
twice in a week before taking bath.
Wash them properly with the help
of your regular shampoo.
This hair-oil is very much
helpful for new growth of hair and the hair would become much more shiny and
How’s it? Helpful and easy! Isn’t
so? .. So try it and feel the amazing benefit yourself such as:
Ø This is
totally chemical free.
Ø Can be
prepared within a few minutes.
Ø Hibiscus
is easily available and methi too. J
Ø It would
strengthen and nourish the hair from within.
So this
is all about the DIY today. Enjoy reading and stay tuned with us! J
Editor’s Words: Well done Aditi! This is truly
tempting!! I was always fascinated by the idea of nutrients infused hair oils.
This is definitely a must-try J
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